We help you to proactively manage the money in your business. By showing you how to focus on profit, rather than sales, together we will make your business more successful.
What formula? Probably the one you are using in your business right now.
Does Sales – expenses = profit sound familiar?
If so, re-think it. Put profit first. Profit is what matters. We will explain this to you.
This is one of our top tips to help you focus on profit. Give profit it its own bank account and put your profit in there first. Before you do anything else. Before expenses. Before salaries. Before any other costs. We will show you how.
You run your own business. You are good at what you do. You should be rewarded for that. Too many business owners are failing themselves. We help you to reap the benefits you richly deserve.
Yes we do something different. We put profit first. We also do all the other important stuff too.
The numbers in your business tell a story. We give you the power to write that story and understand that story. Turning information into intelligence.
Want to be in control of your story? Get in touch.
Quite simply, don’t leave it until last. Don’t wait to see what is left over and call that your profit. Decide what profit you are aiming for, put that away safe, and make the business work around that. We can show you how.
This system works even if you have debts at the moment. It is a marathon not a sprint. Start small if you need to. We will show you how you can grow your profit pot to make it work for you and your business.
Absolutely. Our Profit First accreditaition is in addition to all of the usual services you would expect from your accountant. We have all the accountancy skills your business needs, along with proactive and friendly customer service.
If you are new, this will totally work for you. What better way to start, than by putting your profit first.
On the other hand, if you are already established and have been working in a more traditional way, but now want to change in order to increase your profit levels – that will work to. Just get in touch, and we will show you how to get started.
available from 10:00 – 19:00
Address The Beehive Offices, Bawtry Hall, Bawtry, DN10 6JH